in car app

Breathe by Polestar

The Breathe app is your go-to mindfulness tool, offering a few precious minutes each day to unwind and breathe. Tailored for the Polestar lifestyle, it's perfect for pauses—while charging, between appointments, or before reuniting with family after a demanding workday.

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concept ui

Vehicle-to-grid UI

In order to visualize Polestar's upcoming vehicle-to-grid (V2G) solution, I crafted a conceptual app interface showcasing key features. Revealed at Polestar Day in Santa Monica (2023),

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UN Global compact

In collaboration with the UN's Global Compact, we are strategically upgrading their website to harmonize with their established graphic standards and seamlessly integrate with international partners. This initiative is aimed towards increasing their online presence, ensuring a more robust and impactful outreach.

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website and brand guidelines

LEIA Health

Yrgo School partners with Swedish "femtech" firms in the creation of digital solutions, with LEIA being a notable client. Their product involves the development of an AI-driven chatbot app designed to conduct postpartum depression screenings and provide valuable health advice for new mothers.

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app concept


Presenting my solution for the 12th UN Global Goal on responsible consumption. Recognizing the practical challenge of curbing clothing purchases, I've designed an app concept. This tool enables users to gain insights into the materials of their clothing, promoting informed and responsible consumer choices in a user-friendly manner.

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With Lanterna, our mission was to craft a fresh brand identity and presentation materials that highlight their groundbreaking product. Lanterna's technology serves as a cutting-edge tool, empowering researchers to analyze and study human RNA strands. This advancement plays an important role in propelling breakthroughs in medicine and vaccine development.

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